Natascha Gonçalves Francisco Palmeira
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Brazil
Title: Engagement of nursing teams to reduce the incidence of urinary tract infection related to late bladder catheter in inpatients
Biography: Natascha Gonçalves Francisco Palmeira
The Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) associated with bladder catheterization is one of the infections related to health care with a high financial impact (mean therapeutic expenditure of US $ 1.6 billion per year), high rate of hospitalization and elevated morbidity and mortality . Interventions to reduce UTI rates associated with urinary catheters advocate strategies for prevention and reduction of UTI, trained staff to perform bladder catheterization technique, and resolutive approaches in team engagement in the adoption of protocols for prevention of urinary tract infection. The study was carried out in the hospitalization units of a private hospital accredited by the Joint Commission Accreditation Health Care Certification (JCAHO), in 2017 with the analysis of indicators that aid in the measurement of changes. It is a quantitative approach to care indicators of bedside care and staff engagement strategies. The number of UTI was reduced to zero in the last quarter of 2017, surpassing the national benchmarking (National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators) of 1.32%. The training of professionals as well as awareness was a fundamental starting point for a sustained practice with positive results through the formation of a work team to disseminate, implement the strategies of infection control and stimulate adherence to the protocols. Other implemented strategies such as the use of ultrasound to assess urinary retention for the correct indication of catheterization; training with differentiated methodologies provided an effective result for UTI's safety and control.