Biography: Linda L. Strong
The conduction of a Community Assessment is a time-honored and standard practice in Public Health/ Public Health Nursing. A prelude to the provision of care the community assessment identifies the availability, affordability, accessibility and acceptability of a network of systems including health, education, risks and security. The second phase of the assessment asks about the function and outcomes of these systems in light of statutes, regulations, and objectives. The third phase includes recommendations for improvement, elimination of outdated programs and need for new programs. This presentation will describe the outcomes of an assessment of one of the oldest neighborhoods of the largest city in the state of Connecticut, and stated needs of the people living and working in this highly impoverished and most densely populated 1.273 square miles. The College of Nursing at Sacred Heart University (SHU) has led an inter-disciplinary initiative with the College of Business, College of Arts and Science, College of Education and the College of Health Professions based the mission of the university “…to assist in the development of people knowledgeable of self, rooted in faith, educated in mind, compassionate in heart, responsive to social and civic obligations…” and the philosophy of College of Nursing which defines nursing as “caring with compassion, empathy, altruism with the intention of healing body, mind, spirit”.