Background: Th e digitalis study developed at the primary health care in the municipality of Niteroi (rj) with 633 adults registered in
the family medicine program, showed a high prevalence (79%) of individuals aged ≥ 45 years at risk for developing heart failure. To
follow up, a 5-year prospective cohort was proposed and approved in 04 steps, being the fi rst the contact phone. Th erefore, the main
of this fi rst step was to obtain by contact phone from the research participants, confi rmed hospitalizations, deaths, and continuous
use of medication and on aspects of self-care.
Design, Sample and Methods: Exploratory study composed of 173 individuals in the total sample of the ii-phase of the digitalis
study, which is subject to approval by the ethical research committee of the Antônio Pedro university hospital, of the University of
Federal Fluminense. Th e data were obtained from a structured questionnaire, in the period from 11 April to 20 June 2016, in diff erent
moments of the day, totaling 05 attempts per individual and using descriptive statistics analysis, for which the SPSS soft ware, version
21 was used.
Results: 173 contacts analyzed, there is female predominance (55.5%), average age was 54 years, 57% hypertensive, 19, % diabetic,
22% smokers, 24% with BMI of ≥ 30, and 14% have heart failure. In addition, we identifi ed that there was 07 (4%) deaths, 40 (23%)
cases of hospitalizations in the last 4 years, and 72% say make continuous use of drugs, such as antihypertensive, antidepressant, or
hypoglycemic. As for the self-care aspects, 24 (13%) participants complained of diffi culties in everyday activities such as: climbing
stairs, walking, bathing, feeding or dressing.
Conclusion: Th e identifi cation of the impairment of health condition of the individuals, either on the evolution of the chronic
disease, or of the impact on their daily life, seeks to support to the actions of health policies of the Family Medicine Program in the
municipality of Niterói, specially prevention, promotion and health rehabilitation.