Maria Antonieta Rubio TyrrellRetained the title of nurse and specialization in Obstetrical Nursing (1978), Master of Science in Nursing (1978) and Doctorate in Nursing (1994) by Anna Nery School of Nursing of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EEAN / UFRJ). Has four titles Expert: in Obstetric (EEAN / UFRJ), Pediatric Nursing (EEAN / UFRJ), Hospital Administration (PUC / RJ) and Educational Technology in Health (NUTES / CLATES). From 2002 to 2010 she was elected Director of EEAN (02 administrations). Founder of UFRJ Nursing Graduation Course in Macaé (2009-2). She is a professor of Graduate and Post-Graduate Nursing since 1977, she is a teacher Free teaching and Holder (1989) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Acts as Consultant Ad hoc CAPES, CNPq, PR2 / UFRJ, FAPERJ, Magazine Science & Public Health (ABRASCO) in Public Health (FIOCRUZ), Journal of School Anna Nery (EEAN), Journal of Northeastern Nursing Network ( RENE), Latin American Journal of Nursing (EERP / USP), Journal EnfermerÃa Herediana (UPCH / Peru), Journal of ALADEFE (Founder and Member of the Committee Editorial- 2011). It has experience in nursing, with emphasis in Public Policy on Women's Health and Children, acting on the following topics: public policy and health, women's health and child nursing, midwifery, professional practice and primary care. Hold 03 titles Doctor Honoris Causa (UNT / Peru 2007; ULADECH / Peru and UIGV / Peru in 2009), and 03 nominations for awards in international and national events (COBEON / ABENFO / Brazil, CNEE / ASPEFEEN / PERU, Day Scientific EP / UNT / Trujillo, Peru). They have publications in journals nursing and related fields, scientific articles, books and book chapters, as well as numerous participations in national and international events which have served as a member of the Scientific Committee, Speaker and / or Lecturer, Consultant and Organizing Committee member .